top quality with a delivery time of 1 working day,
from a dog food professional (no grocery quality)!
N&D Cat Adult Quail-Pumpkin fresh quail-pumpkin complete cat food is a fresh meat-based, highly fleshy and completely grain-free new generation cat food. Its high meat content means more protein (44%), less carbohydrates and most importantly, protein is high quality animal protein (96%). It is an ideal natural nutrition for a cat that has remained in the body for millennia so-called. as a carnivore and therefore the cat has special requirements for feeding and nutrition. The N&D cat’s complete diet has been specifically developed to meet all of these cat’s specific nutritional requirements. It also contains pumpkin, a healthy traditional Mediterranean diet whose effects on health are well known. You will see the results to be achieved in the well-being and spectacle of your cat, such as its magnificent fur, health and vitality. It is also a very tasty complete food that even the most shabby cats eat very greedily, we guarantee it (100% taste guarantee). Whole N&D foods do not contain plant protein concentrates, nor plant protein from poorly digestible legumes such as peas, lentils, or soybeans, nor do they use chemical antioxidants or preservatives.
No vegetable protein sources, and no cheap fillers. High quality animal protein 96%. Made with only the best high quality ingredients to guarantee the "carnivore" cat's ideal health and well-being.
Analysis: Proteins 44.00%; Fats and oils 20.00%; Fiber 1.80%; Humidity (maximum) 9.00%; Ash 8.70%; Calcium 1.50%; Phosphorus 1.30%; Omega-6 3.30%; Omega-3 0.90%; DHA 0.50%; EPA 0.30%; Glucosamine 1200 mg / kg; Chondroitin 900mg / kg.
Ingredients: fresh quail meat (30%), dried quail meat (28%), pea starch, chicken fat, dried pumpkin (5%), dried egg, fresh herring, dried herring, fish extract, fish oil (from herring), dried carrot, dried alfalfa, infalfa , fructooligosaccharides, yeast extract (source of mannan oligosaccharides), pomegranate powder (0.5%), dried apple, dried spinach, psyllium (0.3%), dried blackcurrant, dried orange, dried blueberry, sodium chloride, dried yeast, turmeric ( 0.2%), glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, Marigold plant extract (source of lutein).
Supplements per kg. Vitamin A 18000 IU; Vitamin D3 1200 ky; Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol 91%) 600mg; Vitamin C 300mg; Niacin 150mg; pantothenic acid 50mg; Vitamin B2 20mg; Vitamin B6 8.1mg; Vitamin B1 10 mg; Vitamin H 1.5mg; folic acid 1.5 mg; Vitamin B12 0.1 mg; choline chloride 2500mg; Beta-carotene 1.5 mg; Zn - zinc methionine chelate 910mg; Mn - manganese methionine chelate 380mg; Fe - iron glycine chelate 250mg; Cu - copper methionine chelate 88mg; Selenized yeast (inactivated) 0.40 mg; DL-methionine 5000mg; Taurine 4000mg; aloe vera new 1000mg; green tea extract 100mg; rosemary new. Antioxidant: a tocopherol of natural origin plant extract.
Packaging (all packaging sizes): packed with modern food nitrogen packaging technology that ensures the quality and freshness of the food and prevents the growth of harmful microbes. Nitrogen is a naturally occurring compound.
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