Customer ratings for N&D Cat Adult Quail-Pumpkin cat food

N&D Cat Adult Quail-Pumpkin cat food

N&D Cat Adult Quail-Pumpkin fresh quail-pumpkin complete cat food is a fresh meat-based, highly fleshy and completely grain-free new generation cat food. Its high meat content means more protein (44%), less carbohydrates and most importantly, protein is high quality animal protein (96%). It is an ideal natural nutrition for a cat that has remained in the body for millennia so-called. as a carnivore and therefore the cat has special requirements for feeding and nutrition.

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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 5
from Virpi on 11/09/2024
Tämä meille uusi ruoka maistui niin, että kuppi tyhjeni ennätysvauhtia
Todella hyvä
from Regina on 20/08/2023
Kissa rakasta tätä ruoka
Our adult cats love it!
from Linh Doan on 24/04/2023
Our adult cats love this food. It seems to be tasty because our adult cats eat this immediately (includeing our picky boy)!
from Erika on 27/07/2018
Kelpaa nirsolle, herkkämasuiselle pyhä birmallekin.
from Anonymous on 06/03/2018
Kaikki viisi kissaamme syövät tätä mielellään. Ainoa ongelma on huolehtia, että hitaampikon syöjä ehtii saada tätä. Maha ei mennyt sekaisin edes pennulta, joka oli siemmin syönyt vähemmän lihaisia nappuloita.

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